Six Mistakes Bloggers Hesitate to Correct

As practice shows, having writing talent isn’t a guarantee of becoming a successful blogger. Often, enormous efforts put into promoting a blog fail to yield the desired results. Why?

What prevents a blog from becoming a leader in its niche? What mistakes do we make without noticing? Let’s make it clear, take note of the following, and strive never to forget it, or better yet, make it automatic.

Alright, what are we doing wrong?:

  1. We publish a series of articles on the same topic. There’s nothing wrong with publishing a series of articles on your blog if it’s done right. However, if it’s done incorrectly, you trigger a mechanism that will repel readers from your blog for a long time. For example, there’s a blog dedicated to personal development, and the author decides to publish a series of articles on positive thinking. By posting five articles in a row on the same topic, the blogger deprives their readers of diversity. If you’re planning a series of articles on one topic, do not publish them consecutively. Intersperse them with posts on other topics. This way, you’ll stretch out the enjoyment and won’t bore your readers.
  2. We don’t use photos. There are, of course, cases when posts are better without illustrations. But in most cases, that’s not true. Such a mistake costs a blogger dearly. Ignoring the content of articles and the blog itself— who wants to read monotonous texts? Text without images is like a store without windows. Not a store, but some kind of warehouse. Another thing to consider: pictures don’t just improve the perception of individual articles. They refresh the design of the entire blog, making it unique and setting the tone. I won’t mention that all search engines provide image search, which brings additional traffic.
  3. We don’t emphasize subheadings. When landing on a new page, any person strives first of all to find out if useful information is posted here, or if it’s another dump of search engine spam. And the page isn’t read, but is scanned from top to bottom within a few seconds. Your task is to convince the visitor to your page that the information is exactly what they were looking for. How? Make subheadings. Make them noticeable. And then you can convince the visitor to read the entire post from start to finish.
  4. We use overly long lists. “100 tips on how to…” “56 mistakes beginners…” Perhaps your article is indeed very useful, but it will never be read to the end. Don’t turn reading your posts into hard work. Make it easier for your readers. If listing everything is really necessary, then break the post into parts and make it a series of articles.
  5. We don’t show the content of posts in the feed reader. Some bloggers set up their feed readers to display only article titles. By doing so, they may force the user to visit the site to read the article. Lack of interesting information can also prompt users to unsubscribe. As a result, we get significantly fewer readers than we could. Pay attention to successful blogs in your niche— almost all of them deliver full text articles in the feed reader.
  6. We don’t rush to create guest posts. Of course, if you have a well-established blog with a huge number of regular readers, then this might not be necessary for you. But if you’re just starting out as a blogger, you should start attracting visitors. Writing a good article for your blog is only half the job. Your blog is still unknown, and your hard work, your wonderful article, may simply go unnoticed. To prevent this from happening, showcase your material on other blogs, make announcements, write guest posts. Be active.

While there are no techniques that would guarantee the success of your blog, considering the above mistakes can greatly advance its promotion.