Working with Getgoodlinks Eternal Links Service

The Getgoodlinks eternal links service can provide webmasters with excellent conditions to earn additional income from their own site.

For optimizers, this service naturally helps obtain eternal backlinks to their site, specifically high-quality backlinks that undoubtedly have a positive impact on site promotion in search engine results. It’s slightly more expensive than on regular link exchanges, but it’s worth it.

The registration process on the service is straightforward and clear, with reasonable requirements based on a guarantee of high-quality virtual platforms for link publication. For example, the minimum acceptable PR parameter for the site’s main page starts from 1. In addition to this, the moderator assesses the quality of the link mass, the age of the resource, which should be at least six months, and its design. This service has relatively strict moderation, but it is realistically passable for any site.

The service has a user-friendly interface that newcomers can easily navigate upon starting to work. Moreover, any issues that arise can be resolved with a single contact to the technical support of the service. Typically, all questions are resolved in literally half an hour.

A unique feature of the service is its orientation towards promotion in Google’s system, therefore it checks the site’s indexing procedure specifically in this search engine. Furthermore, the owner of the internet project has the opportunity to sell spaces on pages characterized by a certain PR parameter at a higher price, which can be considered an undeniable advantage of the Getgoodlinks system. If a webmaster, for some reason, does not like a specific site, they are always free to blacklist it, thereby increasing the quality level of collaboration offers.

The process of searching for proposals from owners of virtual platforms and optimizers is limited by a set limit – no more than 200 collaboration proposals. This limitation is in place to combat network spam and to ensure that donor resources are not affected by the filter.

If the quality of the site is at a decent level, Getgoodlinks can ensure a worthy income from it.

Funds can be withdrawn from the Getgoodlinks system after three months, which is done to ensure the service’s guarantee to site owners. However, incoming funds can be put back into circulation by purchasing eternal links for your own virtual project.