Should You Buy Links Nowadays?

Hello everyone, I’ve recently delved into the topic of backlinks, a crucial aspect of site promotion involving purchased links. Many people claim that as we near the end of 2015, buying links is no longer effective. They argue that links no longer play a significant role in site ranking and thus won’t help your site succeed. However, it’s important not to hastily remove all your links, as many are doing.

First, you should remove bad links that don’t benefit your site. Then, it’s essential to purchase—yes, purchase—high-quality links. These are still effective and can bring great results for webmasters.

In simple terms, backlinks still work, but not all of them. You need to buy links exclusively from high-quality websites. Purchasing cheap links can lead to penalties from search engines like Yandex. Be vigilant and cautious. Before buying a link, thoroughly vet the site to ensure it’s reputable, as your link will soon be indexed by search engines.

Good luck to all young webmasters and SEO optimizers. Remember to frequently update your site, as search engines favor fresh content. If all this seems overwhelming, consider reaching out to professionals—SEO agency can always help you promote your site effectively.