URL Design: Common Mistakes

Designing URLs properly is one of the most critical issues for many SEO specialists today. Despite the fact that these issues have been discussed numerous times, programmers often still make mistakes in URL design.

While it’s hard to definitively say that the impact of a poorly designed URL is very negative, if you want your website to function correctly, you should strive to avoid such mistakes. Additionally, these errors often pertain more to the usability of the site. If you want your website to be productive, don’t hesitate to spend about thirty minutes fixing these mistakes. Here are some of the most common URL design mistakes:

1. Network Identifiers You’ve likely encountered URLs with incomprehensible strings like s=1awef58fe730fr436gdcw49419ad. These are network identifiers. Many forums, blogs, and websites built on free platforms such as Invision PB, phpBB, and others often suffer from this “ailment.” Such identifiers are harmful because each web user has their own unique network identifier, and when they copy a URL with the identifier, multiple links to the same topic are created.

2. Use of Various Symbols URLs containing strings like /%e3%10%53/ are problematic. Although these errors are less common, they should be corrected immediately if they occur. URLs with apostrophes or other symbols often get truncated, leading to links that don’t direct users to the intended page.

3. Numerical URLs URLs that contain numbers instead of text are less attractive to users and unsuitable for search engines. Unfortunately, many blogs fall into this trap.

4. Multiple Variants of URLs Leading to the Same Page Using multiple URL variants for the same page is a significant mistake. Google’s search engine will not index such links.

5. Randomly Changing Parameters Randomly changing parameters can complicate the website’s functionality and user activity. To fix this common error, you need to consider the specific situation on the site along with the technical data and parameters of the resource.

6. Avoid Unnecessary Search Parameters Using unaltered search parameters in URLs doesn’t enhance your website’s SEO chances and can deter users.

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Best Practices for URL Design:

  • Keep URLs Simple and Descriptive: Use meaningful words related to the content of the page. This makes URLs more readable and user-friendly.
  • Avoid Special Characters: Special characters can cause problems in URLs. Stick to alphanumeric characters and hyphens.
  • Consistent URL Structure: Maintain a consistent URL structure across your site to improve both user experience and SEO.
  • Implement Canonical URLs: Use canonical URLs to prevent duplicate content issues and to consolidate page ranking signals.
  • Use HTTPS: Secure URLs (HTTPS) are preferred by search engines and provide better security for users.

By adhering to these practices, you can improve both the usability and SEO performance of your website.