Recommendations for Online Stores

Many online store owners today encounter a perplexing situation: website traffic is increasing, but sales remain stagnant.

Typically, this paradox can be attributed to usability issues on the website that have been present since its development. Visitors leave the site without finding the information they need.

Below are the most useful and important tips from search engine experts. By implementing these, online store owners can achieve higher conversion rates and increased revenue.

Shopping Cart

Ensure links to the shopping cart are present on every page of the online store. The same applies to contact phone numbers and email addresses.

Buy Button

The “buy” button or a similar option such as “add to cart” should be placed near all products. Without this, the purchase process may be unclear and inaccessible to potential customers.

Pricing Information

One of the main reasons users abandon an online store is the lack of pricing information. Potential buyers are unlikely to call the website’s phone numbers to inquire about prices. They will probably look for a similar store that provides clear pricing.


A sitemap should be included in the structure of all commercial websites. This enhances the usability of the site, creating a positive impression among the target audience.

Delivery and Payment Options

Online shopping is nearly impossible without detailed descriptions of delivery and payment processes. Links to pages describing these processes should be available on all website documents. Additionally, offer as many payment options as possible to customers.

News Section

This section acts as a true indicator of the activity and growth of the online store. The absence of fresh news can give visitors the impression that the online store is neglected.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

The online store owner must identify the list of browsers popular among potential site visitors and check the site’s display in each of them. Failing to do so can result in the loss of target traffic.