Reasons to Remove an Article from Your Website

Many website owners are resistant to the idea of removing content from their site. However, timely removal of low-quality materials can significantly improve user behavior metrics and enhance the overall quality of the site. Here are five key indicators that an article may no longer be needed on your website:

1. Low Page Traffic

One of the most obvious reasons to consider removing an article is low traffic to the page. However, instead of outright deletion, consider updating and rewriting the content to increase its relevance and appeal. Enhancing the article can often solve the problem.

2. High Bounce Rate

A high bounce rate often indicates low-quality content, leading to users leaving the site quickly. Removal of the article is advisable if:

  • The writing style contradicts the preferences of your target audience or the theme of your site, such as being too informal or overly dry.
  • The article is riddled with grammatical errors and logical inconsistencies.
  • The content does not provide clear answers to user questions, failing to meet user expectations.
  • The topic cannot be adequately covered due to a lack of content.
  • There is a lack of proper internal linking.
  • The page has formatting errors, low-quality images, or poorly chosen graphics.

Identify the main issue, then either delete the text or fix the problem.

3. Insufficient Content Length

Articles under 2000 characters often perform poorly in search engines like Yandex. However, remember that even short articles can be valuable if they meet user needs.

4. Quick Page Exits

If users spend very little time on the page, it may need to be revised or removed to avoid negatively impacting overall site metrics.

5. Low Keyword Relevance

If the content is not relevant to the targeted keywords, either improve its relevance or consider removing the article.


Regularly evaluating and, if necessary, removing or updating articles based on these indicators helps maintain a high-quality website. This proactive approach ensures better user engagement and improved search engine performance.