Color Palette in Website Design

I’ve been thinking that maybe the design of this website is indeed harsh on the eyes, especially since I’ve been receiving complaints about it. Despite its unique history and my personal liking, I think it’s urgent to change the color scheme. The current one is too contrasting and, at first impression, unpleasant for the eyes. This is crucial.

The color palette of a website significantly influences how warmly it will be received by future visitors, how long they will stay, and what overall impression they will have of the project (despite its informational content and usefulness). Moreover, the color palette can also affect the mood of visitors and influence their actions. Now that I’ve decided to change the design to optimally accommodate all these nuances, it would be helpful to learn about some of the most important rules. Perhaps you’ll find something useful for yourself as well.

The color palette of a website should be chosen very carefully. If we intend to create a resource that is primarily informational, using a large number of colors or overly “loud” shades will only harm the overall presentation. Users won’t be able to stay on the project for long because such a bright exterior will distract them from studying the content. But if the resource involves a creative approach, such as a portfolio, then bright colors are encouraged as they allow us to express our full potential. The trouble is, I’m not sure which category my project falls into. Well, let’s figure it out…

Traditionally, the color palette of a website is considered to be a tri-color scheme. The first shade is the most important and plays a predominant role in the design. The second serves as an accompaniment and should harmonize with the first within the same color group (unlike mine: black-red). As for the third tone, its function is to accentuate particularly important design elements that users should pay close attention to, so it should be bright and memorable. If we don’t want to settle for such limited possibilities, we can add several other colors to the palette, but they should be as close as possible to the primary colors.

The color palette of a website should set visitors in the mood that is most suitable for perceiving our project. There are certain trends in the webmaster community regarding this.

For resources aimed at user interaction, a positive environment is needed, which can be created with shades of orange and yellow.

Business resources should be predominantly in brown or gray, as these colors convey stability and reliability.

For female-oriented resources or websites related to children’s themes, it’s better to choose pink tones (or, in general, anything bright that catches the eye).

Projects related to nature (such as a portal for traditional remedies or a tourism website) are preferably done in green and blue colors. Additionally, blue is among the standard colors suitable for websites of various profiles, alongside white, beige, and black.

In short, I’m planning a radical change in the design of this website in the near future. In principle, it wouldn’t hurt to work more thoroughly on the overall structure and even touch on the theme globally. I’ll think about it…