Blind Spots and White Spots in Site Interlinking

The importance of proper site interlinking cannot be underestimated, as it greatly influences the speed at which its pages are indexed.

If a webmaster accidentally excludes one document from the index, it breaks the sequential chain of internal links. The result is the placement of an entire section or category of the virtual project into a blind spot. Naturally, to restore the continuity of interlinking, new pages can be immediately added with links to the lost parts of the online resource. However, it may take several months to see the first results.

Therefore, to avoid losing user traffic and consequently revenue, it is preferable to avoid making mistakes from the beginning when working on site interlinking.

Rules for Proper Site Interlinking:

  1. Vertical Interlinking: It’s better to completely avoid vertical interlinking on the site, i.e., from new documents to old pages. A more preferable option is cascading interlinking, where at least five diverse pages link to one document.
  2. Over-Reliance on Plugins: Webmasters who rely solely on plugins make a serious mistake. Search systems may refuse to consider the information they transmit with even the slightest template malfunction on the virtual platform.
  3. Site Map Accessibility: The site map should be accessible to search engine spiders from any document, not just from the main page.
  4. Detailed Site Menu: The site menu should be detailed and expansive. A large number of sub-sections and categories within it make it easier to adhere to the three-click rule.
  5. External Links: Each new material on the internet project must be equipped with at least three external links to various bookmarking services and social networks. In this way, search robots will find the page even if there is a breach in the integrity of the interlinking.
  6. Direct and Reverse Interlinking: The site needs both direct and reverse interlinking. In the former case, pages are connected from new documents to old ones, and in the latter, vice versa.
  7. In-Text Links: It’s essential not to limit the placement of links to sections like “Read More” or “Similar Articles.” Links to related materials should also be placed directly within the text. This approach helps to avoid endless duplication of information on the site, thereby increasing its content quality.

In conclusion, proper site interlinking is crucial for maintaining the integrity and accessibility of the online resource. By following these rules, webmasters can ensure effective navigation for users and improve the site’s overall visibility and search engine ranking.