Working in the Adsense system

Google Adsense is a system that allows webmasters to display relevant contextual advertising links on their websites from special advertising platforms that participate in this system.

When a site visitor clicks on one of these ads, the webmaster earns a certain percentage of the ad revenue. Many webmasters tailor their website content specifically to work with Google Adsense.

There are several general educational tips for working with the Adsense system that can help webmasters maximize their benefits from this system:

  1. Thematic Websites

Thematic websites tend to achieve better results from ads displayed by Google (and others) simply because it’s easier for thematic sites to rank higher in search engines.

It’s also important to note that different website themes affect ad effectiveness differently. When choosing a theme for your site, it’s crucial not to make a mistake because this can significantly increase or decrease your ad revenue.

  1. Keywords

When choosing a theme for your website, find out how much advertisers are willing to pay for their ads to be shown on your site. For example, a site dedicated to downloading ringtones for mobile phones would have very low ad clicks because the service of downloading ringtones doesn’t yield significant profit for advertisers.

Due to high market competition, webmasters often use pay-for-keywords to place links. It’s difficult to achieve high rankings for a newly launched site, even if it’s well optimized for high earnings.

  1. Popular and Recognized Resources or Time

After your site has been successfully indexed by the Google search engine, the relevance of ads on your site will significantly increase. However, more “mature” and authoritative Internet resources will benefit much more from displaying ads.

The closer the ads on your site match the content of your web pages, the higher the price advertisers will pay for placing their ads.

  1. Page Code

Google has developed special Adsense system code that, when inserted into participating site pages, allows webmasters to significantly enhance the efficiency of their site’s ad campaign. You can easily experiment with various ad sizes by placing the code in a convenient or most suitable location on the page.

  1. Study Ad Traffic

To gauge the effectiveness of your ad campaign on your site, you must analyze the traffic statistics provided by Google. This data allows you to determine the most effective methods for placing ads on your site and identify negative or unprofitable ad decisions. Remember to study your ad campaign for an entire week to fully test its effectiveness. Some specific days will yield significant ad revenue, while other days may have minimal traffic. By comparing ad effectiveness on your site across different weeks of the month, you can obtain the most accurate analysis of your ad campaign.

You can apply this testing regimen to ads of different sizes and color schemes. Weekly ad traffic analysis will help you accurately determine the effectiveness of various banner types, subsequently forming the necessary ad traffic based on your site’s evaluation results.

  1. Integrating Ad Platforms into Page Text

The method of integrating ad code into site pages has long been popular among webmasters because it increases revenue from ad campaigns.

There are many effective ways to “fit” ads into page designs. The simplest method involves removing the frame from the ad block, creating the illusion for users that it’s part of the page content. Google recommends using a special color to highlight ad links on the page to attract site visitors’ attention.

  1. Quality vs. Quantity of Ads

You can place up to three ad blocks on each page. Too many ads reduce a site’s ad effectiveness, but be careful when publishing more than three ad blocks on a page.

Turning your site into a “big ad pit” won’t yield significant benefits for you or visitor satisfaction.

  1. Hot Spots on Web Pages

A hot spot is a way of placing ads on pages so they appear without needing to scroll. The likelihood of reading such ads is quite high, thus increasing their effectiveness. According to Google statistics, ads placed on hot spots are most effective.

Google does not favor graphical ads over text-based ones, so webmasters must choose which ad type will be most effective for them.

  1. Maximum Effectiveness of Large Banners on Your Site

As known, Google in Adsense system uses rectangular advertising spaces with 300×250 and 336×280 dimensions, as well as skyscraper spaces with 160×600 dimensions.

They are expected to be the most effective. Depending on the page design, webmasters study various space sizes to achieve maximum results. Numerous experiments and result evaluation are an integral part of every webmaster’s work to increase site profit in the Google Adsense system.