Advantages and Disadvantages of Yandex.Direct

It’s essential to collaborate with Yandex. And if this collaboration also brings profit, it’s even better. I decided to test a bit of partnership from this giant, it’s called Yandex.Direct. Here’s my impression.

First, it should be noted that I didn’t test very thoroughly, because click-throughs/impression partnerships don’t interest me much due to the tiny visits to my websites. Therefore, I might not be able to provide an adequate assessment.

We started accepting websites into Yandex.Direct’s Advertising Network in September 2006. To become a part of this program, you need to apply, but for that, you must register, and then wait for a decision on our application. You will need to enter your website’s URL, its traffic, password for access, and all that… usually.

Very important. To get a positive evaluation of our application, it will be necessary to create a worthy and quality resource, which should be visited by at least 300 users per day. Here, Google is more lenient.

The consideration of our application takes about one week (if we do not have an account in the Advertising Network). Personally, I submitted an application and already the next day received a message that my site was accepted into the Advertising Network. Previously, it was prohibited to place advertising blocks from Yandex.Direct with other “competitors” (Google Adsense, Begun), but now one of my sites has ads from both Google and Yandex.

Next, you need to choose one of the Partners’ Service Centers (Центров Обслуживания Партнеров), to whom you should give the right to service our site. To do this on your authorized account, you need to click the link “ЦОП Selection” and choose one of the Service Centers suggested on the page. I chose (very satisfied with the tech support), then I registered, received the context code for placement on the site pages, suitable conditions for participation.

After placing the code, you need to wait for the moderator’s decision on whether to include the site in the Advertising Network. The moderator approved my site the next day. Clicks were not counted until the site was switched to working mode.

Actually, everything is pretty standard, although it’s more complicated due to rigorous selection. Let’s put it this way… shitty sites just won’t get in, and it’s not worth trying.

Well, point by point, we can break down the advantages and disadvantages that jump right out. Next…


  • Click prices in some topics are higher than in Begun.
  • Transfer of funds without delays and issues (around 13-16, after the reporting day).
  • Cash withdrawal without difficulties. For individuals, there is a transfer to the Yandex Money electronic wallet, for legal entities – non-cash payment.
  • In case of account blocking due to third parties, there is an opportunity to reapply to the Advertising Network.


  1. Website must have at least 300 users per day.
  2. Possibility of placing an ad block on the website page.
  3. Passing the so-called face control with every new registration.
  4. Ability to place ads only on Russian-language websites.

Well, in general, it seems to me that despite the popularity of this advertising network, it won’t be possible to earn a lot of coins on it. Something like that…