9 Reasons for Low Conversion Rates of an Online Store

Every internet store is created with the goal of successful product sales and profit. However, during its development and filling, mistakes are often made that can result in a lack of sales in the future.

So, why do potential customers leave the website without completing the expected action – making a purchase? Some of the reasons may seem obvious to many, but they can also be enlightening for the uninformed.

  1. Lack of a Search Form:
    • Internet users connect to the web and load site pages to find answers to specific questions. Why not make it easier for them?
  2. Lack of Quality Description of the Website:
    • The text on the main page should not only provide potential customers with information about the products for sale but also create a desire in them to make a purchase there.
  3. Too Many Distracting Elements on the “Sales” Page:
    • The tab where the buyer can place an order should not be overloaded with unnecessary elements. It should contain a description of the specific product’s advantages. Other blocks, including “most popular products” blocks highly regarded by many webmasters, distract from making a purchase.
  4. Long and Complex Registration Form:
    • The registration process on the website should be simplified to request a minimum of data.
  5. Mandatory Registration Everywhere:
    • The buyer should be able to place an order without mandatory registration; otherwise, a decrease in conversion is guaranteed.
  6. No Error Message:
    • A visitor may fail to provide required information to complete a purchase, such as the delivery address, while filling out the order form. They simply won’t understand if the resource refreshes without displaying a message indicating the error made.
  7. No Warning About the Duration of Operations:
    • After launching a search in the product database and not receiving an immediate response, the buyer may decide that the website has simply hung. Notifications about prolonged operations should be provided with appropriate messages.
  8. Failure to Indicate the Size of Files Intended for Download:
    • This information is crucial for users with slow connections.
  9. Captcha:
    • This technique should never be used in the order form, especially if the captcha consists of a confusing mix of foreign letters. By the way, it’s also not recommended for use in the commenting form.