Recommendations for Formatting Content from Google

Of course, the overwhelming majority of Russian-speaking webmasters are primarily focused on the Yandex search engine for understandable reasons. However, one should not forget about Google, which surprisingly, is used more often…

If a webmaster follows the recommendations below, it will help Google’s search robots to quickly discover and index their internet project, and assign it a high rating.

  1. Clear, Well-Structured, Hierarchical Layout with Text Links:
    • The site should have a clear, well-structured, hierarchical layout with text links. At least one static text link should provide access to any page on the virtual resource.
  2. Facilitate User Interaction:
    • Facilitate user interaction with the website by creating a map containing links to its most significant sections. If there are too many such links, consider dividing the map into multiple documents.
  3. Avoid Excessive Links on One Page:
    • Having an excessive number of links on a single page of the internet platform is not a good decision.
  4. Emphasize Utility and Informativeness:
    • The site should be useful and informative. Pages should create a clear understanding of the content within its structure for visitors.
  5. Proper Selection of Keywords:
    • Pay heightened attention to selecting appropriate keywords that internet users will use to find the site online. These keywords should be neatly integrated into the site’s texts. Also, unlike Yandex search engine robots, Google’s machines positively perceive slightly over-optimized textual materials.
  6. Texts as Text, Not Images:
    • Ensure that all names, important information, and links are presented as text, not images. As Google’s machines cannot recognize texts included in images, if textual content must be presented as an image for some reason, using the “alt” attribute will help. This attribute allows adding a brief description to images. Naturally, the alt attribute description should include selected keywords.
  7. Ensure Accuracy of title and alt Attributes:
    • It is important to ensure that the title and alt attributes accurately reflect the content.
  8. Check the Correctness of Links:
    • It’s crucial to verify the correctness of links on the site; they must work properly. Webmasters should ensure the HTML code is correct.
  9. Dynamic Pages Considerations:
    • When using dynamic pages, keep in mind that not all search engine scanners handle dynamic documents as effectively as static pages. It may be worth considering reducing the length and number of parameters.