Monetizing Your Blog with the Rotapost Service

Today, a blog can serve not only as a tool for communicating with internet users but also as a source of stable income.

A great option for monetizing an online diary is offered by the Rotapost service, which has gained popularity in the Russian-speaking segment of the internet in recent years due to its simplicity and reliability. Indeed, it’s not uncommon for permanent link services to gain such popularity.

Rotapost is a marketplace for permanent links and articles, successfully competing with the well-known Blogun system. Many donor resources participate in it, typically regularly updated news sites and blogs. The functional capabilities offered by the marketplace will certainly appeal to any webmaster, despite its relatively short existence.

To start earning with the Rotapost service, you should go through the registration process and integrate your own virtual project into the system. After passing the site moderation procedure, access to search engine optimizers will be opened.

The moderation process is not overly strict. If the blog has decent design, contains unique content in its structure, and is positively evaluated by search engines, it will definitely be accepted into the system.

The service even allows registration of network projects with zero metrics. The main requirements from moderators include at least 50 pages successfully indexed in the Yandex search engine, operation for more than 6 months, and quality content. If the resource is located outside the Runet zone, stricter requirements are imposed, including non-zero PageRank and CY (Yandex’s ranking indicator), and more than 100 pages in the search index.

Rotapost does not allow registration of blogs located on certain social services, which can be found in the system rules.

Advertisers can work in two modes. Choosing the first option involves setting up an advertising campaign, to which all interested participants can apply. The second option allows direct communication with specific webmasters who meet the specified conditions. These participants receive an offer. Rotapost settings allow for quickly selecting optimal options.

Webmasters also have a choice of ways to earn revenue. You can place posts, press releases, and sponsored posts on your own blog. Of course, moderation should be observed; otherwise, the virtual project will become a link dump.