
Did you know that all web graphics are square?

Did you know that all web graphics are square? In fact, what appears to be round…

Is it worth creating your own website?

The article is about whether or not to create your own website.

Choosing a hosting provider for your blog

An article about the problem of choosing a hosting company for your blog.

Correct display of the site address!

This article will talk about how to direct the entered website address to an address with…

Stencil – Unleash Your Inner Artist!

An excellent idea for home interior design that is simple, stylish, and most importantly, affordable. Every…

About design in general

Design is the design of household items, machines, equipment, based on the principles of combining convenience,…

No more spam

There are many different definitions of "Spam", from a very vague definition of "anything bad", to…

The Myth of Free Satellite Internet

There is a saying that free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. Regarding the Internet, the…

How to create a corporate website

Every reputable company should have its own website on the Internet with complete information about the…

Dealing with Error 404, or Preventing Loss of Visitors

An article indicating the advisability of working with the 404 error and describing how to handle…

Tips for successful web design

Short tips for successful web design.

How to Create a Website Yourself?

A short article with general recommendations for creating your own website.

The Internet in Our Lives

The Internet is a relatively recent phenomenon, with its active development beginning in the early 1970s.…