A new tool from Google has appeared – Trends

Every webmaster would like to publish articles on their website that are useful and interesting to users. This not only attracts user attention but also strengthens the site’s positions. Thanks to the Google Trends tool, this has now become quite possible.

Google Trends is a service that has been around for quite some time, primarily in Western countries. Previously, it analyzed only the statistics of popular queries without showing the trends in rising and falling demand. However, Google recently pleased webmasters by releasing a new tool called Google Trends. It provides detailed statistics on queries, allowing users to see which queries are gaining popularity and which are gradually losing it. This is a great opportunity for placing timely and interesting posts on your site. Now, site owners can see the most relevant topics for internet users.

Once you’ve identified a hot topic, all you need to do is pick appropriate keywords and phrases to optimize your articles. It’s best for young projects to choose long-tail keywords, as it has been noticed that they don’t rank well for more general queries. For each topic, you will find a relevant keyword.

Of course, among the trends, there may be deceptive ones, but they are very easy to identify. For example, this is relevant when it comes to holidays. On the eve of March 8, requests on this topic become very popular. That is why even after the holiday, the statistics will show a high demand for this keyword. But all optimizers understand that the international holiday has ended, and this request has lost its high popularity.

It’s much harder to determine how long-term the demand for information on an event will be. Some of them can excite the public even more than one week, or even a month. In this case, it would be reasonable to take a risk and post an article on your website. It won’t take you a lot of time, and if successful, it will bring good traffic.

The good news is that SEO professionals now find it convenient to track popular topics in Western countries. Everyone knows that they will soon come to our country, and, while the wave of interest is still going on, there is time for preparation. You just have to monitor the Google Trends service and develop new ideas for content presentation. This is a creative process, and the Google search engine has significantly facilitated it.

It turns out that not all news from Google is bad. The news about the launch of a new tool has caused a lot of joyful messages from webmasters and optimizers.