Monetizing Websites: A Student’s Perspective

The question of website monetization has always been a pressing issue! Many people use various methods to monetize their websites and believe that their way is the best, most reliable, and most proven.

In my view, big social networks make money out of thin air by offering gifts for friends that you can buy with real money. You pay about 20 rubles, choose a gift, and send it to your friend! This works well for large social networks, but if your social network only has 10,000 users, this approach won’t be very effective. Even if it does work, you won’t make much money from it!

So, let’s look at the ways to monetize a website:

First and foremost, selling links and banner spaces on your site. This can be great if your site is dedicated to webmasters and website creation, where developers visit and immediately see that space is for sale and can buy it. But let’s imagine you have a music site; what’s the likelihood that web developers will visit and buy ads?

Moreover, if your site has low traffic, it’s not worth doing this at all. However, if your site has high traffic and you want to sell links or banners, you can use special services. For banners, you could use Rotoban, and for links, you can find services on your own. These services will include your site in their catalog, and developers looking to place their banners will find suitable sites with high traffic. But I think this isn’t the best way to earn money, as it might take a while for your site to be found.

You can use contextual and teaser ads on your site! This means you get paid simply for clicks on your ads. Yes, just for clicks! Honestly, I like this type of earning the most!

Frame ads pay you about 60 rubles for every 1,000 visitors to your site. Sometimes it’s more, sometimes less. You can’t artificially drive traffic, so methods like surfing and PTC sites are out. This type of advertising is notorious for viruses, which is why I try to avoid it.

You can also earn through affiliate programs. It’s simple: you place a link or banner of any affiliate program, and you get a percentage of the purchase made by someone who visited the site through your link!