How to Properly Craft Anchor Text for SEO

External optimization, as we all know, is essential for website promotion, including the effectiveness of purchased links. This effectiveness depends significantly on how well the anchor text of the link is composed, particularly on article exchange platforms.

Let’s consider several points to keep in mind when composing anchor text:

  1. Include Your Keyword in the Link Text: Ensure that your target keyword is included in the anchor text. Choose the keyword that you want to promote for that particular page.
  2. Blend Keywords with Text: It’s crucial to blend your keywords naturally within the surrounding text. Search engines favor such links.
  3. Use Various Forms of the Keyword: Utilize different forms of the keyword to make the anchor text more diverse.
  4. Employ Synonyms: Incorporate synonyms of your keywords to vary the link and reduce the content load on the promoted page.
  5. Surround the Link with Text: Longer text surrounding the link is preferable.
  6. Consider Punctuation Marks: Search engines like Yandex take punctuation marks into account. For instance, if a period separates sentences with a capital letter, Yandex divides it into two parts, considering only the first part.
  7. Weight of Words in the Text: The weight given to each word in the anchor text is directly proportional to how often the word appears and the search engine’s overall document index. Hence, avoid unnecessary words that may draw attention away.

Anchor text (or link anchor or text anchor) refers to the textual content located between the tags that denote a link. For example, in a link like <a href="">Яндекс - найдется все.</a>, “Яндекс – найдется все.” is the anchor text.

Clearly, anchors are primarily used when purchasing links on exchange platforms. This note is specifically for those engaging in this practice.