HOW, WHERE and WHY you can make money on the Internet

Let’s start this article by acknowledging that the Internet appeared a long time ago, and people have joined it at different times. The Internet is an informational and entertainment giant but also a place where scams thrive.

Newcomers are the easiest targets for scams, as they join the global network every day. First, it was ICQ users, then social networks like Classmates, VKontakte, and others. Where there are many people, there are also many scammers.

Remember, if you receive a message from a friend asking you to send an SMS because they’re playing in some quiz and are just a little short of the main prize, pay attention to how they address you – by name or nickname. Also, note when they were last online – if they just logged in, sent a message, and then logged out, their account was likely hacked. Just send them a message: “Dear friend, change your password to something like ‘m#mH6G6*’. It will make your account more secure against hacking.”

Every day, scammers come up with new traps for ordinary Internet users, and newcomers often suffer. From my personal experience on Classmates, my account was hacked, and a spam message was sent: “Hi, please send an SMS to number 6733 – SMS costs 6 rubles. I’m participating in a quiz and need votes. I can’t write, I’ll call you in the evening to explain everything.” Of all my friends (I had about 340 friends, my own group, and many acquaintances from different cities), only 10% responded to this message, and the rest were offended. Some lost 150 rubles, and in Ukraine, even more. In Germany, it didn’t work to send the message because all the acquaintances immediately felt something was wrong and didn’t help. But if the message comes from your friend, you’ll definitely want to help. Be careful…

I also want to write about working on the Internet. Is there really work or not? Yes, there is work, but finding it is really difficult. The most optimal option is text typing, but be careful – 70% of offers are just scams.

If you are asked for even 20 rubles for documents or shipping something, do not send anything. These are small scams. As soon as you send money, that person will disappear. Also, ask for a phone number – if they promise good money, a phone number is mandatory. If there are excuses after asking about the phone, it’s likely scammers.

Do not take on a large volume of work with a contract for full payment after completion – demand partial payment. Otherwise, you may waste your time, send your work, and never get paid. In general, be attentive. Scammers are always nearby, and you need to know how to avoid them! All the best and good luck.

See you later.