Natural Backlinks and Methods to Obtain Them

These days, the capabilities of search engines are constantly growing, and their algorithms are becoming more sophisticated. More and more attention is being paid to natural backlinks by search engine robots. Such links are capable of significantly improving a website’s position in search engine rankings.

Below are the most effective methods for acquiring natural external links for a virtual platform.

Methods for Obtaining Natural Backlinks

Fundamental Basis

Undoubtedly, the most effective and proven method for acquiring natural backlinks is the publication of interesting, thematic, and unique materials that can attract the attention of the target audience. Consistent placement of textual content increases the chances of achieving high positions in search results and, consequently, natural user links.


Internet users love to compete with each other and win prizes. Conducting interesting, thematic contests on the site can significantly increase its traffic and lead to a growth in natural backlinks, as users will tell their friends and acquaintances about the contest. It is important to provide valuable gifts for the winners, as this significantly increases visitors’ interest in the contest.

Viral Content

There is an extremely long-term and labor-intensive, yet effective and repeatedly tested method for acquiring natural links for a virtual platform – viral content. Its essence lies in creating material that has the potential to cause a strong reaction among users of the online space. Such material can take the form of images, viral videos, and more.

Social Media Plugins and Widgets

When promoting an internet project, its owner cannot afford to ignore the high level of popularity of social networks these days. If a user chooses an icon from the “like” series, the result of such an action will be a link to the promoted site that appears on their social media page. By the way, specialists do not recommend overloading website pages by placing icons from all platforms in a row. It is preferable to select several of the most visited services by the target audience of the virtual project.

Rankings of Other Sites with Mandatory Notification

This is a wonderful method for acquiring backlinks. By creating rankings of other websites with mandatory notification, you can encourage those website owners to link back to your site in return.