Unanchored Site Promotion with Backlinks

It’s no secret that modern webmasters utilize two types of site promotion with links: unanchored and anchored. This article focuses on unanchored site promotion.

Many novice website owners believe that anchored promotion offers more benefits. However, it also has its drawbacks. When search engines detect a large number of links with identical anchors, the site’s search result positions can fluctuate significantly.

A webmaster must skillfully balance purchased and organic user-generated links. When purchasing links for site promotion, it’s crucial to ensure that about 40-50% of them have direct anchor text inclusion. The remaining links should have diversified anchor text. Natural links should constitute approximately 20% of the total links for promoting the virtual platform.

Many webmasters face the common issue of their promoted site freezing at a specific position. This is often due to anchored links. Search robots may observe numerous direct keyword inclusions in anchors, hindering the site’s promotion. Therefore, publishing anchored links should be done cautiously to avoid serious issues instead of success.

Proficiency in conducting internal optimization of the internet resource streamlines the promotion process. Initially, purchasing only natural links and monitoring the site’s position growth is advisable. It’s not uncommon for a virtual project to be successfully promoted without anchored links initially. Donor platforms just need to pass weight to the acceptor. Thus, abstaining from anchors in the early promotion stages can help the site avoid search penalties, as new network projects are closely monitored by robots.

Natural links can be obtained through social networks and forums. You won’t need to pay for such links. The owner of the promoted site can purchase the missing portion of unanchored links, for example, through the SAPE system.