How to Create a Website Yourself?

Many users of the World Wide Web have thought about creating their own website at least once. After all, each of us has our own thoughts and ideas, and bringing them to life can sometimes seem challenging. As a result, these ideas often remain just that, as inexperienced individuals may think that website creation is too complex and only within the realm of real programmers.

Let’s briefly explain that there’s nothing really complicated about creating your own website. It only takes a little time and effort, and with a desire to learn, your knowledge will grow like a snowball, and everything will start to fall into place!

So, where should you start? First of all, you should learn the basics of HTML. Don’t be scared off – HTML is not actually a programming language but rather a markup language for correctly displaying text information in a browser. You can easily find a beginner’s tutorial on HTML online and grasp the basics within a week. Believe me, it’s not difficult at all.

You’ll also need some general knowledge of CSS. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used to define the graphical appearance of our website. Again, you can find a CSS tutorial online without any trouble and learn the basic principles of how it works.

Next, pay attention to the wonderful program Macromedia Dreamweaver. This excellent program has huge capabilities for creating websites. It has an intuitive interface and, with minimal knowledge of HTML and CSS, allows you to create gorgeous dynamic websites! There’s also plenty of accessible and understandable educational information about this program online.

When you feel ready to create your first website, be sure to think carefully about and choose its theme. Try to pick a theme that is close to your heart, as you will have to fill the site with information. Writing about what you know will come naturally.

So, the website is ready, and what’s next, you might ask? The next step is to register a domain for your creation. A domain is the website’s name that users type into the browser’s address bar. The domain should be short and reflect the theme of your website. Domain prices typically range from 300 rubles.

Our next step will be purchasing hosting. Hosting is the disk space allocated for your website on a remote server. This is what you pay for. Be careful not to choose the cheapest hosting – you might encounter problems with it. The price for a year should start at around 700 rubles.

After purchasing hosting and a domain, you need to upload all your website files to the server in the folder provided by the hosting seller. Then you need to link the domain to your website. The hosting seller will provide detailed instructions on how to do this via email. And that’s it – your website is now online. The next step is to promote it, but that’s a whole different story.

There are easier ways to create a website, but they offer limited freedom and provide less experience. Experience is invaluable!